OISE News Gulls by Brian Mason - Judge's Choice 2011 Flipper i Anna by Josep Barbera - Judges Choice 2018 Trans-Concert by Lee Pratt - Honorable Mention 2016 Nashville Neon by David Kuntz - Best Creative 2016 Zauberwald by Bruno Braun - Best Creative 2014 The Pillars of the Earth by Jose Barbera - Honorable Mention 2014 Squiggle Roof by Signe Emmerich - Honorable Mention 2014 Sadhu by Robert Bloomberg - Judge's Choice 2015 Shanghai Canal by Jay Horowitz - Best OSPS Entry 2015 Lacheln by Joel Gilgoff - Honorable Mention 2013 Colorful Shells by Jim Metcalfe - Judge's Choice 2013 Reflection by Ray McMillian - Judge's Choice 2013 Dositheos by Klaus Kemper - Judge's Choice 2012 Radrenner by Bruno Braun - Best Creative 2012 The Passenger by Brian Davis - Honorable Mention 2011 Moran Approaching Storm by Chris Reynolds - Honorable Mention 2011 Pemaquid Sunrise by Albert Sieg - Honorable Mention 2011 2020 Results Welcome to OISE 2020